Maintenance Services
Building Something GreatOur Maintenance Services.
Because of our experience in hundreds of facilities, you can rest assured that we understand your specific needs for industrial maintenance. We offer a qualified, professional workforce combined with proven manufacturing plant facility services and leading-edge technology.
We have the flexibility and resources to provide your facility with services according to your schedule, without ever inconveniencing your staff or interrupting production. Industrial facilities look to us for expert services, including:
Maintenance Services
- Brush and roll painting
- Corrosion under insulation repairs
- Scaffold building
- Power washing
- Parking lot painting
- Corrosion under fireproofing repairs
- Insulation repair / installation
- Spray painting
Multicraft Services
As maintenance services for plants and pipelines have changed, ²ü¶¶Ð¡ÃÛÌÒ evolved into a multi-craft service company to meet the ever-changing demands of our current and future clients. Crews are made of a working foreman and craftsmen are designed to perform scaffolding, surface preparation, abatement, coating application, insulation and fireproofing.
By combining all these services with people that are skilled in more than one craft, one crew can perform all the work required in one mobilization. Safety and environmental issues are a top priority in the performance of any project.